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How was the end of 2022 in ACSI

How was the end of 2022 in ACSI

03.01.2023 Petr Hudec
  • naše výhody

  • kurzy

  • snowboard

  • licence

  • lyžování

  • školy

  • významné události

Hello friends of snow sports, it seems that after two years we have stabilized and this year's autumn courses took place as we were used to before Covid. But we can see there were almost no courses for two years, so there is a lack of instructors not only in Czech ski schools.

The license of a ski or snowboard instructor is valid for 3 years, which means that even those who completed courses and obtained a license in the fall of 2019 and used it just for one and a half seasons, have to extend their license or they can increase their education. E.g. the owner of the Ski Instructor L1 license can improve his qualification on the Ski Instructor L2 course, etc.

     All of this obviously influenced the beginning of this season, when there were also excellent snow conditions in the resorts. This fall and just before Christmas, almost a hundred students passed the ACSI courses, including license extensions. They trained under excellent snow conditions in the Czech ski resorts in the Krkonoše, Monínec and Jeseníky mountains, and even in the Austrian Alps. The greatest interest has traditionally been in children's education and the basic Ski Instructor L1 course, which make up up to two-thirds of our work. But there were a few snowboarders too, and above all  we managed to generate instructors from among our members with such knowledge and abilities to handle the highest level of education Ski Instructor L3. The first part of this course took place in November 2022 on the Stubai Glacier and the 2nd part will take place in the second half of April 2023 at the same place.

    We are planning further courses right after the end of the Christmas and New Year holidays for mid-January 2023 and then for March and April 2023, including the traditional Final Happening on the Stubai Glacier. Courses are usually not held in February, unless a school requests them and we are able to organize a bespoke course for them. It's spring break time and all the instructors are busy.

     We are really happy about such a great start to this season and we wish not only our members, but all skiers in the new year 2023, that the weather will become cooler again.

    We wish you a long and snow-rich winter!


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